What do you teach / do at TC Christian?

5th Grade

What do you enjoy most about working with students?

Getting to know them personally, making connections with them, and seeing them grow in Christ!

How do you incorporate a Christian Worldview at TC Christian?

It is incorporated in everything that we do here! We have throughlines that our school has developed which help to make it easy to incorporate Jesus into every subject!

What unique experience, talent, or interest do you bring to your role to help shape the experience of students and their families?

I have the privilege of coaching elementary volleyball each year, and it just gives me one more way to get to know my students and their personalities better!

What would students be surprised to find out about you?

I’m pretty much an open book. I’m not sure they would be surprised by anything they were told! 🙂 They’d probably be the ones telling you something crazy about me!

How do you spend your summer breaks?

Relaxing at home and traveling to visit family in North Carolina.

What school sport or activity do you enjoy watching?


What is your favorite bible verse?

Philippians 1:20 – I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.

If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share?

Never be too cool to say “hi” to me when you get to middle school and high school, and never forget, “You’re my favorite!”

In which other teacher’s class would you like to enroll, even for a day and why?

Mr. Broderick’s because I really want him to give me a cool nickname like he does for all his students! 

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