TC Christian’s Elementary School curriculum consists of a series of activities and experiences in which we use proven texts and materials to pursue our goals for each subject. Our focus is on developing solid competency for students in all subjects. We also teach, in the context of each subject, about God’s character and the principles of His Word. We use every opportunity to develop the student’s Christ-like character.
We value the following elements as essential to a Christian education curriculum:
1. BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES, because they…
a. Give an eternal and moral perspective on the application of knowledge and skills.
b. Clarify the implications of the choices we make.
c. Provide a solid framework which guides thoughts, decisions, and actions.
2. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS, because they…
a. Constitute the general body of academic knowledge and pursuit.
b. Identify and develop God-given abilities and release the unique potential of each person.
c. Enable the student to pursue and achieve God’s best intellectually, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially.
a. Character is the essence of who a person is.
b. Character enables one to put godly values into practice in spite of difficulty and opposition.
c. Character enables one to serve in God’s army and pursue the purposes of God for his or her generation.
d. Character which is not purposely formed will become malformed.
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