Preschool Teacher
The welcoming atmosphere.
I can openly teach my little ones about God’s love. I love the people here and their belief in God.
It’s easy to teach my little ones about a Christian Worldview. Preschoolers are so open minded and like littles sponges. We incorporate it in play, Bible stories, songs, and our daily routine.
A unique experience I bring to our school is I had a dual major in college. Early Childhood Education and Sign Language. I have been teaching preschool for many years.
Everyone here genuinely cares about each other. The relationships you build with your colleagues and our families.
We can openly pray for each other and talk about what God means to us.
We keep it simple with pre-schoolers. We help them iunderrstand how much God loves them, that He is good at all times, and we teach the Golden Rule.
That I love each of them unconditionally.
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